Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Future trends for social media

Over time semester I have researched and learnt about some topics I had never really took the chance to even form an opinion about. I think it come to no surprise however that my final topic I have chosen to discuss is the smart phone. It was the topic I was most enthused about writing as I feel I a really connection to this particular social medium.

The smart phones of 2010 are becoming leaps and bounds and are closer to becoming the single most important devices we own. The smart phone industry is booming and I don’t see it slowing anytime soon. With innovative products such as the iPhone, Blackberry, Android and JavaME, they have the ability to set a medium platform for themselves. Smart phones are the new laptops. We sort of knew this one already, didn't we? The iPhone remains dominant and their applications are just added to Apples ongoing success.

According to TIME Magazine research on the Apple iPhone, historically only 10% of the installed-base used mobile applications on a daily basis, today, that number is changing and changing fast. Smart phone applications are now heavily used and many are even used daily. Among those used daily, the frequency of use is also high, with some applications being used as much as 20 times per day.

There is definitely been a shift in user behaviour occurring right now where people are using their smart phones more than ever. I can see smart phones replacing laptops and applications replacing web sites.

In five years, the concept of a smart phone will change dramatically. Why do I think this it the futre trend? Well just look at the last half-decade. Since 2005, the Apple iPhone emerged as a engulfing platform, made for loading innovative applications, designed with finger-flicking ease-of-use in mind. The rumoured Google Phone not only came out in the form of a new operating system, but the actual Nexus One as well. Accelerometers, touchscreens, GPS-based location awareness – these have also all appeared in full force in the last few years and changed the market entirely.

It is only inevitable a new generation of mobile processors and faster mobile networks will combine to put the power of a PC onto the smart phone in your pocket. Some technologies that have been evolving over the last several years will be ready for prime time in 2010, and smart phones will be the first devices to adopt them. Smart Phone’s have the potential to revolutionise the way in which we communicate with one another like no other product on the market.

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